USFL '86: The Season That Never Was

Sunday, March 31, 2019

'84 Chronology-Simmons Speaks

Event Date: August 27th, 1984

Internal Memo: United States Football League Owners Meeting

Re: Commissioner Simmons Recommendations

  1. Commissioner Simmons:
    1. Stay the course in spring for 1985 and 1986.
    2. Work to reduce team payrolls-Martha Salary Cap of $2.5 for 1986 and beyond.
    3. More prime time games:
      1. Continue Saturday and Monday night games on ESPN.
      2. Schedule prime time games on Thursdays and Sunday nights with coverage via ESPN.
    4. Administer the following recommendations from the McKinsey Report:
      1. Move the season ahead to early February starting in 1985.
      2. Move to a sixteen game season starting in 1985.
      3. Schedule a sampling of Thursday night games and add a Sunday night game starting in 1985.
        1. Begin talks with ESPN regarding television coverage of said games.
      4. Add more regional coverage of Sunday afternoon games.
      5. Institute a stronger blackout rule starting in 1985 to enhance stadium attendance. (Attendance was up 10% in 1984).
      6. Implement a soft salary cap starting in 1985.
      7. Continue talks with all three television networks regarding future coverage for both a spring and eventual fall schedule.
    5. Form a Committee for Consolidation, Expansion and Relocation; members include Bassett, Martha, Taube and Taubman to examine the following:
      1. Chicago status for 1985 must be determined as soon as possible. 
      2. Los Angeles status for 1985 including:
        1. Finances & Player Salaries.
        2. Finding a new ownership group.
      3. Washington status for 1985 must be determined as soon as possible. 
      4. The possibility of granting “new” franchises to either Orlando, Baltimore and/or San Antonio.

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