USFL '86: The Season That Never Was

Saturday, March 23, 2019

'84 Chronology-August League Meetings I

Event Date: August 25th, 1984

Internal Memo: United States Football League Owners Meeting

Re: Opening Day Committee Reports;

Report from the Television Committee; 

The committee presented the following; 
  1. Television challenges heading in 1985 and beyond;
    1. A need for more regional coverage of Sunday games.
    2. A need for more television revenue.
    3. More local blackouts to help attendance.
    4. Less Sunday afternoon games in Birmingham due to local blue laws which ban the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
    5. Reduce television conflicts with NASCAR.
    6. More prime time games on ESPN.
    7. Many league sponsors and advertisers are concerned about the long-term sustainability of the league.

Report from the Finance Committee;

The committee presented the following; 
  1. Estimated financial gains and losses for the 1984 season:
    1. Los Angeles-$15.1 million dollar shortfall; $13.1m coming from salaries and bonus monies.
    2. Pittsburgh-$10 million dollar shortfall.
    3. Chicago and Washington-$6 million dollar shortfall.
    4. Arizona, Houston, Memphis, Michigan and New Jersey approximately $5 million dollar shortfall.
    5. Birmingham, Jacksonville, New Orleans and Oakland approximately $3 million dollar shortfall.
    6. Denver and Philadelphia-$2 million dollar shortfall.
    7. Tampa Bay-A profit of approximately $900k.

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