USFL '86: The Season That Never Was

Sunday, November 14, 2021

'87 Chronology-Legal Eagles

Event Date: September 1st, 1987

Event Description: USFLPA Files Suit

The U.S. Football League Players Assocation Tuesday filed a federal lawsuit demanding $1.2 million in back pay owed to 48 members of the Portland Breakers.

The financially-troubled Breakers failed to meet its July payroll and lost most of its players to free-agent status at the end of the season.

Players Association lawyers said 48 players are entitled to pay for the last four games of the 1987 season. They delayed filing the lawsuit to give the Breakers a chance to find investors in the club.

Both the Association and the players want to see the Breakers remain in Portland for the 1988 season,” said a statement released by the players. “However, with no commitment by the club that the players would be paid, the Association is now seeking judicial enforcement of the award.”

Source-(UPI Modified)

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