USFL '86: The Season That Never Was

Friday, June 25, 2021

'87 Chronology-Week #6 Preview

Event Date: March 25th, 1987

Event Description: Week #6 Preview


Ben Guinn said...

Boy,the Gamblers have definitely fallen off since Jim Kelly left. The Renegades look like the team to beat this year. Following the Panthers now that the Breakers headed Northwest to Portland. Really enjoy following this! Great job!Been following for several years now.

Btw, what do you think about the USFL " coming back"? I'm kinda leary feeling that it will be just a glorified version of The Spring League. Anyway keep up the great work!

Virtual Commissioner said...

Mr. G,

Thanks for commenting...........Panthers of course merged with Oakland after last for the "new USFL", I agree, probably an enhanced version of Spring League......we shall see!

Thanks again...........

Ben Guinn said...

😆 Yeah, I realized that fact after I sent it. My bad! Am throwing my support towards the Oakland Invaders however. The Oakland Raiders were one of my favorite NFL franchises. When I still watched and cared about the NFL.